and the global goals

In 2019, Sigtunahöjden’s new ownership directive, key words and vision were established. Sustainability has since the start been a great focus at Sigtunahöjden and when the new vision was to be set, the direction was obvious. The vision “Together for a sustainable future” frames the business well and shows that we always aim higher.

We see it as a necessity rather than a choice to contribute to a sustainable planet. Together, we want to succeed in creating the smallest possible impact but the largest possible imprint for the future. We do the best we can and preferably a little more, while also learning along the way. We believe that organizations and companies benefit greatly from formulating their goals and working continuously with them both externally and internally. That mindset together with our new vision makes it natural for us to work with the Global Goals.

Our primary goals

We want to help achieve the global goals by 2030. Our effort is to put the main focus. We have chosen three primary goals that are close to our hearts and something we feel that we can influence. Together with our sustainability group, we work actively to achieve the set goals.

Objective 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth

Sigtunahöjden believes that economic growth without environmental degradation is possible. We want to create stable growth where the surplus is invested in the development and refinement of the business. We do not believe in restrictions when it comes to employee rights or the sustainable hospitality industry in general. We are an inclusive workplace and believe in open communication between each other.

This is how Sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • We create jobs in the sustainable hospitality industry and promote local products and local culture.
  • We accept trainees and understand that we have the opportunity to influence the industry and create jobs through this. We also inspire others to think like us.
  • We promote young people’s employment by working with education coordinators in the industry.
  • We are curious and happy to test new solutions – for example, we want to be at the forefront of digital systems and customer solutions.
  • We make sure that there are enough employees so that everyone can work reasonably long shifts, and constantly evaluate the workload.
Sigtunahöjdens personal

Objective 15: Ecosystem
and biodiversity

UN Global Goal No.15 is about protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of land-based ecosystems. Here at Sigtunahöjden, we think it is important to set strict environmental requirements. We always have an elaborate thought with what we offer, both services and the products we consume and offer our guests.

This is how Sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • As far as possible, we buy local, locally produced and organic products and raw materials. In 2018, the share of organic in Restaurant Forest has increased from 30% to 55%
  • We support organizations that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
  • To help preserve a well-functioning ecosystem, Sigtunahöjden has its own beekeeping, where the finished honey is sold in our own shop. We collaborate with Biman who helps us with our beehives.
  • Increase our share of organic to 70% in Restaurant Skog.
  • Expand the organic beverage offering.
  • To protect the environment even further, we make sure to always use non-toxic pest control.

Objective 17: Implementation
and Global Partnership

The goal aims to strengthen sustainable development and at the same time inspire others to the same development. No country or group should be left out in the development of a sustainable future.

Sigtunahöjden wants to be an example, a role model and a source of inspiration for the hospitality industry as a whole. We want to be a local, national and international partner for sustainable development. Therefore, this goal is extra important to us. We need to make a big difference to make a real difference.

This is how Sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • Sigtunahöjden buys Fairtrade-labelled products and in this way we contribute to making demands on and encouraging international producers to social sustainability at all levels.
  • Sigtunahöjden are active members of the worldwide meeting organization IACC. CEO Lotta Boman is also president of Europe in the organization. We contribute with our knowledge of sustainable hospitality to inspire, be a role model and get the international industry to do more. We do this by telling about our own sustainability work in contexts like these. We feel that we can influence other members of our networks.
  • We are members of the Sustainable Hospitality Network, Visita’s sustainability network and the Sustainable Destination network in Sigtuna.
  • We work in close connection with Destination Sigtuna and Svenska Möten. Through these local collaborations, we can be involved and influence.
  • We share our knowledge with the industry and guest lectures on, for example, our sustainable initiative Restaurang Skog and how we work with sustainability in general.
  • We are part of management teams in various polytechnic educations to contribute with our perspectives.
  • Continue to be a driving force in our industry and be increasingly visible.
  • Set requirements and influence a sustainable transition through the networks we are part of.

Secondary objectives

We work for a sustainable future. We therefore think that focusing solely on three goals is too little, especially when Agenda 2030 is so soon. With this, we have also selected four secondary goals that we aim to contribute to by 2030.

Do you want to learn more about how you and your company can work with the global goals? Check out our article here. här.

Objective 10: Reduced inequality

Reducing inequality within and between countries is important. It is about everyone’s equal rights. Achieving this goal requires promoting social and economic inclusion.

We work with the goal by being an open and inclusive business that never under any circumstances makes a difference between people regardless of ethnicity, gender or age and at the same time works for a more equal world. We believe that we need to work together for a sustainable future and believe that this is exactly what inclusion is all about.

How sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • We work to be an inclusive workplace that promotes diversity. Many people get their first job with us regardless of background, age or education / experience.
  • We accept trainees and interns who can try their hand at working with us.
  • We contribute to job training, Swedish teaching and other support required for our employees to be able to do a good job.
  • We continue to work on inclusion and diversity.
  • We develop the support we offer for our employees to be successful in their work regardless of their condition.
  • We regularly hold fundraisers for the Children of the World and continue to explore how we can do it in different ways.
Kock håller upp skott
Restaurang Skog skär upp tomater.

Objective 12: Sustainable consumption
and production

Goal No.12 aims to promote sustainable consumption. Sustainable consumption means environmental benefits, but also social and economic benefits such as increased competitiveness, growth in both the local and global markets, and increased employment.

Sigtunahöjden will reduce its ecological footprint by actively working with sustainable products and raw materials. When we consume, we always do it consciously.

How sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • Sigtunahöjden works locally together with Destination Sigtuna on projects such as Sustainable Destination and Plastic-Free Destination. For example, we use all parts of animals in cooking, which in many other cases turn into waste. We encourage guests to reduce their food waste.
  • In Sigtunahöjden’s Restaurant Skog, strict environmental requirements are set where organic and locally grown products are always prioritized. We buy MSC approved fish and prioritize KRAV-labeled raw materials. More than half of the food and drink in Restaurant Skog is organic. The food and drink that is not organic is instead locally produced, which reduces the climate impact through shorter transports. Restaurant Skog is also part of the Sustainable Restaurants network.
  • We reuse and reuse as much as possible when the opportunity exists and only buy new when we really have to. Our staff wears dresses and shirts made from recycled fabrics from OrkanLia.
  • Sigtunahöjden has long been a Nordic Ecolabelled facility and was one of the first 10 in the Nordic region to receive this stamp.
  • We have eco-labeled electricity in the form of bio- and geothermal heat.
  • Vi sorterar allt avfall, oavsett om det gäller plast, papper eller organiskt material.
  • We work to ensure that all areas of our business have the smallest possible environmental impact.
  • Investigate climate-friendly possibilities such as solar cells for heating pools and street lighting.

Objective 13: Combat
climate change

The goal is about something as important as actively combating climate change. At the same time, it is equally important to increase knowledge about the challenge we face.

Actively combating climate change is important to us as a company. This in itself is the major challenge to which we can link our overall environmental work, ranging from using bio-oil to keeping energy use down. Sigtunahöjden is an example for other companies, individuals and schools. We fight, in our own way, climate change every day.

How sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • In 2018, Sigtunahöjden has reduced the amount of meat we serve to our guests and staff and offers vegetarian menus.
  • We offer our customers climate-smart travel via fossil-free Håbo Buss, save energy and encourage guests to, for example, turn off the lights after themselves.
  • We share and spread knowledge about how it is possible to reduce your climate impact in the hospitality industry (see goal 17).
  • We work actively to reduce our food waste.
  • We educate people who find their way to our inspiration page, by creating articles about sustainability.
  • We strive to become a climate-neutral facility.

Goal 16: Peaceful and
inclusive societies

The goal promotes societies free from violence, conflict and corruption. It is also a means of sustainable development. This aims for all people to have equal access to fair opportunities and for everyone to be equal before the law.

Sigtunahöjden is a place for people to meet. We have zero tolerance for bullying, while building mutual respect between both guests and staff staying with us. We work closely with our customers and enjoy being each other’s sounding board.

How sigtunahöjden works with the goal

  • Sigtunahöjden creates a safe environment in the local area by organizing local events.
  • Sigtunahöjden accepts trainees (see goal 8).
  • Sigtunahöjden works together with other hotels to counteract trafficking. We support Zero Tolerance for Bullying and PornFree Hotels.
  • We participate in activities such as races for charitable causes.
  • We want to invite and create commitment among young people to learn more about sustainability and, for example, food waste.